15 Feb 2023

LOGOS implements Justikal´s eCourt system

LOGOS law firm and Justikal

LOGOS, the largest and one of the premier law firms in Iceland, has reached an agreement with Justikal to use their eCourt system to send court documents electronically to the district courts, which enables them to work in a much more efficient manner.

Until now, most court cases have been conducted exclusively on paper despite significant technological improvements in recent years. With the introduction of the EU Regulation no. 910/2014 (eIDAS) and the increasing caseload and pressure during the pandemic, electronic data transmissions have now been allowed which is in line with the digitisation of society in general. This minimizes paper usage and unnecessary transport with paper which reduces negative impact on the environment.

“This step is a big part of LOGOS’ sustainability standard, which will save time and increase the efficiency of the firm’s employees. This will furthermore support our end goal which is always to provide outstanding service to our clients. Our clients will in the future be able to monitor the progress of their cases before the courts and receive automatic notifications when changes are made,” said Benedikt Egill Árnason, Attorney at Law, Managing Partner Reykjavík LOGOS.

Justikal recently received a $2.8M funding round from Eyrir Vöxtur which is an ESG fund focusing on investments in promising ventures for international growth and value creation. The fund furthermore invests only in companies that have a positive impact on society and the environment. The capital is supposed to strengthen Justikal’s development, sales, and marketing team to pursue foreign markets.

“We are very proud to have LOGOS on board with us and are looking forward to supporting their lawyers to provide even better service experience to their clients. Sustainability and environmental issues are a high priority for us, so it’s good to see LOGOS’ strong harmony with our values,” said Margrét Anna Einasdóttir Founder/CEO Justikal.

Today, a large amount of data exists only in electronic form, e.g. electronically signed documents that cannot be printed without losing the integrity of the electronic signature. In court proceedings, it must be possible to receive, verify and store this data. It is important that court proceedings are in line with the digital developments that have taken place in the market. Justikal’s solution is designed for computers, tablets and mobile phones. It therefore serves both LOGOS lawyers when managing court cases and enables the firm’s clients to be informed about the status of their own cases, wherever and whenever.